Video of the Week XXVI: Russian Winter Series I

The first of a short four part eclectic selection of Russian art, architecture and culture. Where else to begin than with the iconic Tatlin and Avant-gardisms. A bit of an education, revision, nostalgia and the occasionally mad or fantastic imagery – wait ’til you see the sci films!!

… But first Tatlinisms …

… a short film by Lutz Becker. Black, white and circulating. Every aspect of Tatlin’s tower in the positive and the negative; inside and outside!

The next couple of films are by Michael Craig and Copernicus Films, and part of a larger documentary film about Architecture and Russian Avant-garde …

Architecture and the Russian Avant-garde (Pt 1 Malevich)

Architecture and the Russian Avant-garde (Pt 2 Tatlin’s Tower)

… Rodchenko next week …


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