Video of the Week XI: Architecture & energy 1

Amid all of the hooha surrounding our Supreme Court – symbols of power, propaganda, and hair loss – we should take time out to step back and really consider the dome issue in a more holistic way. You see, as this remarkable little film sets out, there really are supernatural consequences of building domes, which have no doubt been taken into account by the architects of our esteemed Supreme Court (who are obviously well up on their freemasonry)… The result being, of course, to hide the dome away in the interior so as not to expose bystanders to the energy drawn therein.

The energy will, of course, be invoked by the highest powers of judiciary in this country when passing judgment and handing down sentence, and will no doubt contribute to the building’s green star rating…

You may want to look away if notions of anti-christ, other dimensions, ley lines (must check Wellington’s position wrt this), or the new world order offend thine eyes…


Postscript – Before posting this I investigated local ley lines for the site – and there has to be something in this, as the Supreme Court lies on the intersection of at least three ley lines:

1. approx. SWW-NEE: following one of the radiating paths of the circular Lady Norward Rose Garden (at the northern end of the Botanic gardens), traveling through the most northern corner of the Supreme Court site, and then aligning with the remnants of Pipitea Quay. The Lady Norwood site, given its concentric configuration, is a particularly potent energy drawing site in its own right. I am yet to establish the significance of Piptea Quay, and it might well be that it is the crossing over the new BNZ waterfront building that is key to this… I suspect that this ley line draws upon the horticultural and agricultural ties with commerce…

2. approx. SW-NE: the Supreme Court is almost equidistant on the line that spans between the playing fields of Kelburn Park and the Westpac Trust Stadium – thus, the forces of NZ’s all-powerful sports fixated social culture are also drawn upon at this site..

3. N-S: from the Parliamentary Library/Parliament House/Beehive through the Supreme Court site, and on through the City Library, WCC admin building, the former National Museum, and then picking up the alignment of Melbourne Road and into the Cook Strait, where it terminates at the point where a ufo (unidentified floating object) can be seen (if you are using the satellite image provided with google maps) about to cross the Cook Strait Ferry route.

It is this last ley line that appears to be the most significant – passing through all of the national and civic houses of power in Wellington… I imagine that the secret to it all lies in its termination at that anonymous sea-craft (possibly belonging to the Dharma Initiative)…


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